17 Chap. L. Rev. 17 Chapman Law Review Fall 2013 Article THE FULLY FORMED LAWYER: WHY LAW SCHOOLS SHOULD REQUIRE PUBLIC SERVICE TO BETTER PREPARE STUDENTS FOR PRIVATE PRACTICE Sara K. Rankin [tippy title="*" header="off"]Associate Professor of Lawyering Skills, Seattle University School of Law. JD, New York University School of Law;…

2013: “The Future of Law, Business, and Legal Education: How to Prepare Students to Meet Corporate Needs”

Please check your pop-up windows setting if the videos do not play. KEYNOTE DIALOGUEChancellor Leo E. Strine, Jr., Delaware Court of Chancery(VIDEO) (TEXT) PANEL 1: Can Law Schools Prepare Students to be Practice Ready?  James Moliterno, Washington & Lee University School of Law Sara Rankin, Seattle University School of Law R.…

2012: “The 40th Anniversary of Watergate: A Commemoration of the Rule of Law”

Please check your pop-up windows setting if the videos do not play. KEYNOTE DIALOGUEJohn W. Dean, former White House Counsel to President Nixon Panel I: President Nixon’s Secret Tapes: Evidence that Politically, Legally and Historically Defined Watergate (and More)Scott Armstrong, former Senate Watergate Committee InvestigatorAlexander Butterfield, former White House Aide to President…

2011: “From Wall Street to Main Street: The Future of Financial Regulation”

Please check your pop-up windows setting if the videos do not play. KEYNOTE DIALOGUESteven L. Schwarcz, Duke University School of Law Panel I: Into the Bog: An Introduction to Dodd-Frankandré douglas pond cummings, West Virginia University College of LawJim Hawkins, University of Houston Law CenterPeter H. Huang, Temple University Beasley School…

2010: “Drug War Madness: Policies, Borders, and Corruption”

Please check your pop-up windows setting if the videos do not play. KEYNOTE DIALOGUEMichael Chertoff, former Secretary of Homeland Security under President George W. Bush Panel I: Current U.S. Drug Policy and Alternative ParadigmsHector Berrellez, former DEA Agent and Terrorism ExpertHon. Jim Gray, former Orange County Superior Court JudgeAsa Hutchinson, former…

2009: “Lincoln’s Constitutionalism in Time of War: Lessons for the Current War on Terror?”

Please check your pop-up windows setting if the videos do not play. KEYNOTE DIALOGUEHerry V. Jaffa, Claremont McKenna College  Panel I: Suspending Rights to Sustain Public Safety: Deciphering Wartime Suspensions of the Writ of Habeas Corpus by President Lincoln and BushJonathan Hafetz, New York University of LawKyndra Rotunda, Chapman University School of…

2008: “Publicity Rights in Bytes: Contemporary Issues in Entertainment & Sports Law”

Please check your pop-up windows setting if the videos do not play. KEYNOTE DIALOGUEMichael Flaherty, President of Walden Media Panel I: Publicity Rights and the Constitution: Privacy, Publicity, and the YouTube Phenomenon Erwin Chemerinsky, Duke University School of Law F. Jay Dougherty, Loyola Law School Dr. John Eastman, Chapman University School…