Along with our Editor in Chief, our Production Team consists of our Executive Managing Editor, Anna Ross (on the right), and Executive Production Editor, Sara Moradi (on the left). We are so grateful for their dedication and hard work!
Anna Ross is a 3L student who serves as the Executive Managing Editor of Chapman Law Review, Volume 28. Her favorite Bluebook rule is Rule 15 for Books, Reports, and Other Nonperiodic Materials. Her favorite law school subjects are Torts and Evidence. She is interested in public interest and criminal law. Anna’s past externships have included Public Law Center, the OC Public Defender’s Office, and the Federal Defender’s Office. Outside of class, Anna enjoys hitting up OC’s best parks and playgrounds with her three-year-old daughter.
Sara Moradi is a 3L student who serves as the Executive Production Editor of Chapman Law Review, Volume 28. Her favorite Bluebook rule is Rule 5.2, Alterations and Quotations Within Quotations. Her favorite law school subjects are Taxation of Business Organizations and Corporations. She is interested in corporate taxation law. Sara’s past externships have included Haight Brown & Bonesteel and the Sales and Use Tax Clinic. Outside of class, Sara enjoys cross-stitching, hiking, and traveling the West Coast.