Farewell from the Editor

Dear Chapman Law Review community —

First and foremost, thank you! Thank you to everyone that worked for and with Chapman Law Review. It has been an honor to serve as the Editor-in-Chief for Volume 23.

This year has been an experience we won’t soon forget. Work on Volume 23 started well over a year ago, as we adjusted to our new roles on CLR, developed goals, and created a game plan.

Since that time, we experienced some highs and lows. We managed to fully revamp our website and set up a plan for future digital and marketing expansion. Our 2020 symposium went off without a hitch, 100% a result of Bethany Ring’s hard work. On the low end, we had a few members that needed to take a step back from responsibilities due to personal reasons. But, the initiative of the remaining members to tackle the changes was remarkable. And, above all else, we had to adjust to a new normal in the midst of COVID-19.

When notice of our campus closure came, CLR was certainly scrambling to figure out a new set up, as our computers and materials would no longer be accessible. Thank you to our administration for helping us weather this challenge, including the 10 pm emergency phone calls to help us get a laptop with the proper software to keep editing.

Looking forward, I am excited to see where CLR will go. One of our works-in-progress has been the growth of our online presence. With the expansion of the Senior Submissions & Online Editor position, our new website, and heavier reliance on the scholarly submissions site Scholastica, CLR is posed to contribute even more to the scholarly community. It is also my honor to pass the reins to Sirine Yared, the Editor-in-Chief for Volume 24. I have full confidence that she will be able to both run with and build off of the strides we have made this year.

Thank you to the research librarians at the Darling Law Library. The support and care you have provided us does not go unnoticed. Thank you to Dean Vogt and Professor McConville for helping me manage the administrative side of CLR and being receptive to my concerns and goals. Thank you to the Articles Editors and Executive Board for all of your contributions. Alexis and Michael, I have been particularly lucky to work alongside you both. Thank you to all of the Staff Editors for your diligent efforts in source collecting and cite checking. This is your journal now and I know next year you will put forth a publication to be proud of.

Harkening back to former Dean Kacer’s words at orientation for the class of 2020—it takes a village. Thank you to my village.

Jillian C. Friess


Volume 23