November 2L Spotlight – Ashton Stine

Our November 2L Spotlight is Ashton Stine! He is a 2L and a Staff Editor on the Chapman Law Review. He has a Bachelor’s in Business Administration from Cal State Fullerton and a Master’s in Sport Management from Long Beach State. After college, Ashton worked at StubHub! where he got the opportunity to travel around the country and work high-profile events like NCAA March Madness, the Super Bowl, and The Masters.

After StubHub!, Ashton started working at Jorgensen & Salberg, a civil litigation firm in Tustin and found it extremely interesting, which led him to law school. Like most law students, he wouldn’t say he thoroughly enjoyed his first year, but it was still a great experience and he made some lasting connections. He particularly enjoyed Criminal Law and he is currently the academic fellow for Professor Howe. Ashton returned to Jorgensen & Salberg after his first year and is currently externing there during his 2L year.

Ashton grew up watching and playing sports and they are still a big part of his life. He particularly loves hockey, football and baseball. He is currently taking the Sports Law class here at Chapman, which he is thoroughly enjoying. He plans on writing his law review directed research piece on labor law issues in sports. When Ashton is not studying or in class,  he enjoys traveling and spending time with his wife, Carly. They both enjoy traveling to different sport venues and Ashton definitely considers himself lucky to have found a wife that enjoys sports ALMOST as much as him.

Check back next month for the next 2L spotlight!