Submit articles for Chapman Law Review’s 2020 issue celebrating the 100th anniversary of the 19th amendment

Chapman Law Review is pleased to invite article submissions on the theme: “1920-2020: The Effects of Women’s Suffrage 100 Years After Ratification of the 19th Amendment.” Publications will appear in a spring symposium edition and authors may have the chance to participate in a live symposium on January 24, 2020.

As we celebrate the 100-year anniversary of the 19th Amendment, opportunity is afforded us to reflect not only on the significance of the ratification itself, but also on how the 19th Amendment acted as a catalyst for women’s equal integration in all aspects of society. The Chapman Law Review is soliciting papers that are grounded in a retrospective analysis of the many ways perceived and expected roles of women have evolved over the past century, including, but not limited to, women’s roles in:

  • Law (attorneys, judges, Supreme Court justices, etc.),
  • Politics (local, statewide, federal, etc.),
  • Education (access, graduate degrees, professorships, etc.),
  • Employment (opportunities, advancement, management, etc.), and
  • Formerly Male-Dominated Activities (military, jury, economic independence, etc.)

Chapman Law Review has dedicated its live symposium and Spring 2020 law review issue to this noteworthy topic. The live symposium will have a ternary focus: history of the suffrage movement, challenges to voting rights, and the current state of gender equality. Our keynote speaker will be Judge Leslie Abrams Gardner of the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Georgia. We are open to publication submissions that study the roles exampled above or that reflect on current women’s issues which emerged from the grant of women’s suffrage. Chapman Law Review would be honored to publish your work on this timely topic.

Submission Information:

We are looking for papers with an 8,000-word count minimum—ideal submissions will contain between 15,000 and 20,000 words, including footnotes. If you would like to offer a paper for publication, please submit an abstract of at least 1,000 words, along with a current curriculum vitae by September 15, 2019 to Bethany Ring. Offers will be sent shortly thereafter, and live symposium participation will be chosen from the finalists. The deadline for completed papers will be November 30, 2019. Selected papers will be published in the Chapman Law Review in approximately May 2020.

If you have any questions, please contact Bethany Ring, Senior Symposium Editor, at