Spring 2014: Semester In Review

Today is the last day of classes. We made it! Below are our highlights from the Spring Semester, and what to look forward to for next year:

Spring Highlights

  • The Chapman Law Review hosted its annual symposium, “Business Tax Reform: Emerging Issues in the Taxation of U.S. Entities,” which was a rousing success. Be on the lookout for the next issue of the Chapman Law Review later this summer, as our panelists from the symposium publish their pieces on various tax reform issues.
  • The Chapman Law Review released Issue 2 of Volume 17 on April 23, 2014. This issue is jam-packed with articles on corporate social responsibility, the transcript to the Fowler School of Law naming ceremony, a couple of presentations from the Chapman Dialogue Series, and even a few student notes. A must-read!
  • The Chapman Law Review released the first two articles of its online-only journal, Chapman Law Review Online. The first article was an opinion piece centered on the recent California case, People v. Zondorak, and on California’s assault weapons ban. The second article discussed the constitutional rights of prisoners when it comes to the interest earned on prison trust accounts.
  • Chapmanlawreview.com, which was launched last August, saw a 100% increase in views this semester. In fact, by the end of finals, the website will surpass 30,000 views.
  • And finally, the Chapman Law Review elected its new executive board for Volume 18, led by Editor-In-Chief Madiha Shahabuddin and Managing Editor Amanda Herman (and my successor, Shaun Sanders).

Volume 18 Events

  • The Chapman Law Review will be publishing two issues – one with a focus on immigration issues, and the other issue following the 2015 Chapman Law Review symposium.
  • Speaking of the symposium, the Chapman Law Review will be hosting its 2015 symposium, led by Senior Symposium Editor, Rachel Baker. The symposium will focus on non-practicing entities and other emerging issues in the field of intellectual property law, and is set for January 30, 2015.
  • Chapman Law Review Online will be entering into its first full year of publication, and will be the centerpiece of the ever-growing Chapman Law Review website.
Once again, thank you all so much for supporting the Chapman Law Review. It has been a pleasure serving as the first (and definitely not the last) Senior Online Editor.
Have a great summer!
Adam Weidner
Senior Online Editor