Jack Anderson (Staff Editor, 2L), along with fellow Entertainment and Sports Law Society members Evan Brennan (2L) and Jason Hirschhorn (2L), are set to coordinate the school’s first sports law symposium. “Where Sports and the Law Collide: Understanding the Legal Climate of the Sports Industry,” will take place on Friday, February 7, in Kennedy Hall. The Chapman Law Review wishes to congratulate Mr. Anderson, Mr. Brennan, and Mr. Hirschhorn for their efforts. The event is sure to be a home run!

To read more about the planning of the symposium.


The symposium was sold out! Below are the videos from each panel:

Lunch Keynote PresentationDavid Meltzer – CEO, Sports 1 Marketing: Warren Moon Enterprises

Panel I: How Legal Skills Translate into Sports Agency

Panel II: Contemporary Developments in Athlete Employment Law

Panel III: Legal Issues Facing Today’s General Counsels in the Sports Industry

Also, the symposium was later mentioned by panelist Darren Heitner on Forbes.